Why does the brain listen for a few moments while eating a cold ice cream?

Often, when we eat a cold ice cream, our brain becomes numb for a few moments and for a few seconds we are unable to do anything. At this point, there is also a slight headache in the head.

This condition is called brain freeze. This is when an iceberg hits the roof of our mouth. You would be surprised to know that not everyone has this quality.

Only 37% of people in the United States experience this condition, 4% of children in Taiwan and only 15% of adults in Denmark feel it.

This condition has been a problem for scientists since 1800 and they are trying to find out the cause and its treatment. Now to some extent they have been able to find out why.

In fact, when a cold object hits the roof of our mouth, it activates the nerve (tri) called trigeminal, due to this nerve we can feel the cold or the heat on the front of the head. When the cool thing hits this nerve, the front of the head begins to feel a bit of pain.

In fact, the different nerves in our head affect different parts of our head and cause a feeling of discomfort. The nerve that affects toothache causes discomfort in the central part of the brain.

One of the causes of headaches during brain freeze is that at this point, the veins of the brain rapidly send blood to the roof of the mouth, which temporarily widens, thus causing headaches.

Experts say that brain freeze victims may also be another mystery type of migraine sufferer. It also plays an important role in producing nervous migraine. Migraine is considered mysterious because no cause and treatment has yet been discovered.

If you also suffer from frequent brain freezes, it is not a problem, this condition lasts only 20 to 30 seconds and then expires.

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