Red onion aids in breast cancer prevention

Red onion aids in breast cancer prevention

Do you want to avoid the rapidly spreading disease breast cancer? Then make onions an essential part of your diet. According to a recent research, red onion breast can be a shield against cancer.

According to a research conducted at the University of Guelph, Canada, red onions can be a strong resistance against cancer and prevent cancer cells from being born.

Experts put red and other colored onions in front of cancer cells for research; they found that red onions infused cancer cells better than onions of other colors.

The onion, a component of red onion, protects against numerous diseases, including cancer and cardiovascular disease, while also boosting immunity, the study said.

Read more: Women under the age of 50 double their risk of breast cancer

A pigment anthocyanin in onions and other vegetables that color these vegetables enhances Questen's effectiveness. That is, the darker the color of the onion, the more it will have the same amount of anthocyanin, and the more effective it will be against cancer.

According to research, red onions break the bond between cancer cells while creating an environment for them that they can no longer grow. Red onion can be helpful not only for breast but also against other types of cancers, including colon cancer.

Experts say that in addition to red onions, onions of other colors also contain high amounts of antioxidants and quinones, which can protect against many diseases including cancer.

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