PM contacts Saudi pledges, PM discusses Indian initiative in occupied Kashmir

PM contacts Saudi pledges, PM discusses Indian initiative in occupied Kashmir

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan contacted Saudi Wali Mohammed bin Salman to discuss the situation arising out of Indian action in the occupied valley and also informed about Indian brutality.

According to details, Prime Minister Imran Khan telephoned Saudi Wali Ahmed Bin Salman and discussed the situation in Kashmir,
The Prime Minister apprised of the situation arising out of the recent Indian move in Indian occupied Kashmir and the Indian brutality.

According to the Saudi press agency, the two leaders also discussed the current situation in the region.

It is to be remembered that on August 5, Prime Minister Imran Khan had discussed the situation in Kashmir with Malaysian counterpart Mahathir Muhammad.

The Prime Minister had said that eliminating the special status of Kashmir would be a violation of the international laws.

Mahathir Mohammed said that Malaysia is in full view of the current situation and will remain in full touch in the context of the movement.
The same day, Prime Minister Imran Khan also contacted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo ۔an and the two leaders discussed the current situation in occupied Kashmir and Indian aggression.

On this occasion, Prime Minister Imran Khan had said that eliminating the special status of Kashmir would affect the peace of the region, Pakistan would continue diplomatic and moral support of Kashmiris.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdo ۔an expressed concern over the current situation in Kashmir and assured Pakistan of all possible cooperation.

It should be noted that at the meeting of the Indian Parliament, the Indian Minister of Home Affairs had submitted a bill to abolish Article 370 and proposed that non-locals be able to get government jobs in occupied Kashmir.
The Indian President, on the other hand, signed a bill to abolish Article 370 and terminate the Governor's office and delegate powers to the Council of Ministers, after which the special status of occupied Kashmir was abolished.

On the other hand, Pakistan has rejected the Indian declaration of occupied Kashmir and said that no one-sided step in India can eliminate the disputed status of Kashmir.

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