ISSB Word Association Test Samples And Tips

ISSB Word Association Test also known as ISSB WAT is part of ISSB Psychological Tests. This Psychological test is conducted on ISSB day 2 usually. In this test different words are showed to candidates on a screen the candidates have to make sentences.

ISSB Word Association Test Samples And Tips

This test is a very important tool for the psychologist to judge the personality of the candidate. By analyzing the words association of a person, a psychologist can know what kind of person you are, how you think, what are your beliefs, what are your dislikes, how do you behave to your surroundings and what is inside your brain.
Read these below mentioned ISSB Word Association Test Tips for better ISSB Preparation.
The number of words in ISSB WAT Test:
Total 100 words are showed on the screen.
Time For ISSB WAT Test:
The time allocated to this test is very less. Each word will be displayed for 9-10 seconds on screen and then it will disappear. If you’ll not be able to write a sentence in the given time, the next word will be displayed.

Tips to attempt ISSB Word Association Test
  • Write the first positive thought that comes to your mind.
  • The sentence need not be grammatically correct or the word used just to write a sentence.
  • Remember this is not a Make a sentence type exam. This is designed to test your inner thoughts. So be careful in whatever you write.
  • Make your writing readable.
  • To save your time, write small sentences and don’t put yourself in long sentences.
  • Once written, don’t try to correct, cut or overwrite the sentence. Just focus on the screen and focus on the next word.
  • The words displayed can be used as a verb, adjective or noun. So don’t worry about it.
  • Avoid making sentences with I, Me and Myself.
  • DO NOT use NAMES of others in sentences. If you want to use some person in your sentence, then use HE, SHE or THEM.
  • Try NOT to start your sentences with ‘be, because or don’t’.
  • DO NOT write an anti-social sentence as it will give a bad image of you.
  • Don’t write sentences which are cluttered totally towards the armed forces. The analyzers are not a slice of bread on which you will spread butter.
  • DO NOT write memorized sentences.
  • DO NOT write in negative sentences. Be positive and optimistic about everything.
  • Last but NOT the least, practice a lot on handwriting and increase writing speed to utilize your time effectively during tests.

ISSB Word Association Test Samples

Just click on the link below and download ISSB Word Association Test Pdf file.

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