ISSB Merits and Demerits Preparation

After Word Association TestSentence Completion Test, Picture Story Writing Test and Pointer Story Writing Test on ISSB day 2, candidates have to write Merits and Demerits of their personalities.

ISSB Merits and Demerits Preparation

We are going to give some examples of merits and demerits. You can match these given merits and demerits with your personality.

ISSB Merits and Demerits Tips

  • DO NOT copy the merits and demerits which are not matched by your personality.
  • If you will write the merits which are NOT present in your personality, you will be caught by the Psychologist.

Merits Examples For ISSB

  • Helper
  • Co-operative
  • Honest
  • Responsible
  • Faithfulness
  • Confident
  • Flexible
  • Kind
  • Humorous
  • Courageous
  • Good Manner
  • Optimistic
  • Cool Minded
  • Punctual
  • Sincere
  • Patriot
  • Social

Demerits Examples For ISSB

  • Bookish
  • Excessive use of mobile
  • Weak in English
  • Sleep Late
  • Not interested in Study
  • Naughty
  • Speak Loudly
  • Shy
  • Sensitive
  • Rush
  • Smoker
  • Talkative
  • Use Mobile Too Much
  • Having Weak General knowledge

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