The Advent of the British in Subcontinent


The Advent of the British in Subcontinent

The subcontinent and Europe had long established trade relations.The Arab Muslims played a vital role in carrying out the trade between the subcontinent and Europe.Towards the end of the fifteenth century the sea-voyage gained importance.
The European sailors who were against the Mughal traders set out to discover new sea routes to reach the subcontinent
.In this attempt Columbus discovered a new continent,now called America.Vasco da Gama also made an attempt to discovered a new sea-route to the subcontinent.He reached the eastern coast of Africa.There he happened to meet an Arab sailor.Under his guidance Vasco da Gama crossed the Arabian Sea and reached Calicut,a sea-port in the south of the subcontinent.Vasco da Gama belonged to Portugal.So Portuguese were the first to reach the Sub-continent.Thereafter the French trading companies established their business centres in the sub-continent.The French were followed by the Dutch and the English.
East India Company
The Portuguese and the French could not stand the tactics of the British who proved to the successful traders.In 1600 A.D.the English traders with the permission of the British Government established East India Company.In 1618 A.D., the Mughal emperor Jahangir allowed them to build their factories on the western coast of the subcontinent.They secured more concessions during the period of Shah Jahan.
Aurangzeb Alamgir left no able successors to manage the vast Kingdom.As a result the  centre of the Muslim Government grew weak and there spread anarchy in the country.The Governors of Provinces began to quarrel with one another.The Britishers took full advantage of this situation.They made conspiracies to create difficulties for the local rulers.Gradually the British succeeded to occupy the whole of the subcontinent.
The British Influence in Bengal
  After building it's trade factories on the western coast of the subcontinent,the East India company made its position strong in the southern part of the country.Now the British turned their eyes to Bengal.At that time Ali Vardi Khan,the Governor of Bengal,who  had become independent in 1745 allowed the Britishers were not allowed to build fortifications in the Province of Bengal.
After the death of Ali Vardi Khan his grandson Siraj-ud-Daula became the Nawab of Bengal in 1756 A.D.The British disregarded the agreement and began to raise fortifications.Siraj-ud-Daula warned them against such activities but the British paid no need to his warnings.At this Siraj-ud-Daula invaded Qasim Bazar and captured their trade factories.Then he marched upon Calcutta and captured it.The British General managed to escape from the battlefield.
The Battle of Plassey
The English were greatly upset on the capture of Calcutta by Siraj-ud-Daula.They sought help from the British army officers of Madras.An English General Clive at the head of an army marched towards Calcutta and captured it.In A.D.1757, Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula encamped near Calcutta.General Clive made a peace with Siraj-ud-Daula.But then ,violating this agreement,he attacked Chandnagar.Siraj-ud-Daula protested against  the breach of agreement,but Clive paid no heed to his protest.Clive made a conspiracy with Mir Jafar,the commander of Nawab is army.The British decided to depose Siraj-ud-Daula and replace him by Mir Jaguar as the Governor of Bengal.This conspiracy was made with the help of Umi Chand,a Hindu of Bengal,who  had demanded Rs.30 lakh for making the plan of deceiving Siraj-ud-Daula.
   Nawab Siraj-ud-Daula could not doubt the loyalty of Mir Jafar who was the commander of Nawab 's army.When the English army made attack,Mir Jafar did not take part in the battle.As a result Siraj-ud-Daula was defeated and assassinated by the enemy.
    Mir Jafar became the Nawab of Bengal.He gave away Rs.234,000 as bribe to each of the senior officers of the company and 3,000 to each of those below the rank of captain.He granted 24 parganas as gift to Clive.When Mir Jafar 's treasure became empty,he was replaced by his son-in-law Mir Qasim.The new Nawab surrendered many estates including Bardawan,Myednapur and Chittagong to East India Company.
   Mir Qasim did not like to rule under the supervision of the foreigners.The officers of the East India Company did not pay the custom duty on their private goods.As a result the Government was suffering a considerable loss.Mir Qasim exempted the internal trade from all taxes and put certain restrictions on the activities of the East India Company.The Company is officers turned against Mir Qasim.They,therefore,deposed Mir Qasim and again made Mir Jafar the Nawab of Bengal.
Battle of Buxer
Mir Qasim led his army to Push.The Mughal king Shah Alam and Nawab Wazir of Oudh promised to support him.A battle between the army of Mir Qasim and the British took place at Buxer  in 1764 A.D.Mir Qasim had to face defeat at the hands the British army.As Shah Alam and Nawab Wazir of Oudh withdrew their help,Mir Qasim was left helpless,and died in 1778.Shah Alam allowed the East India Company to realize the land revenue from the Provinces of Bihar,Orissa and Bengal.In return the company granted pension to Shah Alam.
     After the conquest of Bengal,the English made a plan to bring the southern part of the subcontinent under their possession.There they had to face two Muslim rulers Haider Ali and Sultan Topic.
     When Warren Hasting came as the Governor of the company,he deprived the Nawab of Bengal of all his powers.The Raja of Banaras was asked to increase the amount of tribute.W hen Raja expressed his inability to meet his demand he was deposed and replaced with his nephew who was to pay the tribute at the double rate.Nawab Wazir of Oudh was asked to pay the debt that he owed to Warren Hastings.He was unable to make any payment because the treasure was in the possession of his mother and grandmother.Warren Hastings snatched the treasure from the old ladies,and thus he received more than he had demanded.
Haider Ali
Haider Ali was born in 1722.His father was an officer in the Mysore army.Haider Ali began his career as an ordinary soldier in the Mysore army of Hindu Raja.On account of his ability,Haider Ali rose to the position of the Chief Commander of the Mysore army.In 1766 the death of the Hindu Raja,Haider Ali captured the throne and became the Sultan of Mysore.Marathas were afraid of his growing power.They attacked Mysore and defeated Haider Ali,but the latter made up his loss by annexing Calicut and Malabar in 1766.
  The English,Marathas and the Nizam of Hyderabad were against Haider Ali and wished to depose him.Haider Ali knew their intention.He succeeded in wining the support of Marathas and Nizam against the English.With their help he made a sudden attack on Madras.As a result of this war the English came to an agreement that they would support each other in case one of them is attacked.But when Marathas attacked Mysore,the English did not come to help Haider Ali.Soon a war broke out between the English and Marathas.The Marathas peshwa Nana Farnavis entered made an alliance with Haider Ali.Haider Ali again gave a crushing defeat to the English.
Sultan Tipu
  After the death of Haider Ali,his son Fateha Ali Tipu became the ruler of Mysore.In order to fight against the English he raised navy and made alliance with other rulers.The English regarded him their greatest enemy.
        Sultan Tipu sent his ambassadors to Turkey and France to get the support of their Governments against the English.He also sought help from the ruler of Afghanistan.But none of these countries came to help him.The Nizam of Deccan and Marathas also took sides of the English.He decided to fight the English all alone.The English made a conspiracy with Sultan is Hindu minister Purnima.In spite of unfavorable circumstances,Sultan Tipu bravely fought his enemy and sacrificed his life as a martyr in the battlefield.He used to say,"To live one day like a lion is better than to live hundred years like a jackal".Now the English General Harris saw the dead body of Sultan Tipu,he cried out,"Now the subcontinent is ours".
   Sultan Tipu was a truthful,sincere,noble and brave man.He introduced many reforms for the benefit of the farmers the majority of which were Hindus.He also tried to strengthen relations with the foreign countries to get rid of the British rule.
  After the conquest of Bengal and the defeat of Tipu,the English defeated the Marathas sardars one by one.They also broke the power of Muslims who still had their fortifications in Central India.
Annexation of Sindh
In 1809,Lord Munro signed into a treaty with the Ameers of Sindh.Under this treaty the English were allowed to use the river Indus for the purpose of trade.They were not allowed to carry arms while crossing the river.
    In A.D.1838,the British rulers made a plan to attack Afghanistan.From military point of view,Sindh held an important position.The English,therefore,decided to capture Sindh.They levelled against the Ameers of Sindh a baseless charge of the  violence of the treaty,and demanded that some area of Sindh be surrendered to them.At the same time they declared war.The Ameers of Sindh were defeated.Thus Sindh went into the control of the English.


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